Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Virtual Coffee {8}


Too bad Tuesday comes around but once a week cause I really enjoy this virtual coffee date. Well, actually maybe it’s not so bad as Tuesday is the Nanny’s day off and my life runs significantly less smoothly without her.  Anyway, now that I can finally sit down with my lovely Nespresso Coffee, I would tell you that my house looks like a train wreck (just without all the blood and gore of course).
You see spring is finally, officially here and I can no longer ignore my bi-yearly duty of the “seasonal closet rearrange” (about which I wrote extensively here, if you’re interested). This year I totally lucked out because my MIL and the husband’s aunt are visiting so not only do I have two extra sets of hands to move four people’s clothes, bags and shoes around, my MIL is also an organizational genius and she’s rearranging all my closets so I will never have to go throw this massive pain in the behind again. Ever. I am beyond thrilled. Also, I have someone with a very critical eye going through all my crap with me and constantly going “are you sure you want to keep that?”. Now, I realize I may sound sarcastic right now, but I swear I’m not. Most of my friends would want to kill their MILs for sticking their nose so far into their business, but I am genuinely, seriously relieved and happy to have someone help me put order in my life. I love order, I’m simply missing the gene necessary to achieve it independently.

Also, if we were really having coffee today I would tell you that the boy seems to have potty trained himself all on his own this week, with really minimal intervention from me. I’ll be dedicating a post to this (isn’t my content grand?!) but I don’t want to jinx it, so for now I’m just sharing the news with a sigh of relief and the rest of my thoughts on this thoroughly interesting subject shall be forthcoming. I’m sure you’re all on the edge of your seats in anticipation.

I would also tell you that I’m beyond thrilled (again) because the husband is showing signs of having GVHD (graft versus host disease) which sounds truly horrible and means that his immune system attacks certain cells on his body, in this case his skin, but is really, actually, wonderfully amazing news because it means that the immune system is starting to work and therefor should take care of the few random cancer cells that always remain after chemo. Basically, the husband has a rash that itches and stings and is a ginormous pain but we’re all thrilled to pieces cause it’s a sign the transplant worked and this time his immune system is doing it’s damn job. It doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods or anything but it’s a positive sign and frankly at this point we are happy to celebrate even the smallest victories.

Ok, finished my cup and hope you enjoyed yours! I’m off to stare in wonderment at my halfway finished closet and try to get the rest of the mess under control.

Oh, but one last thing, I have an extra special, super duper guest post tomorrow that you absolutely cannot miss because this girl’s writing is amazing. So please come back to check her out and say hello.

Now go say hi to our hostess Amy!

For my Italian readers: MIL sta per mother in law (suocera)


  1. Yaaaaaaay Ale!

    Hugs, Alcira


  2. PS, yay boy for being a potty-training autodidact!
    Just didn't want to mention it for fear of jinxing the deal ;)

  3. Ah spring cleaning! Such a pain but oh, it feels good when it's done, doesn't it?

    So glad the potty training seems to have gone smoothly. *fingers crossed* And I'm very happy to hear the positive news about your husband. Here's hoping his immune system keeps on keepin' on!

  4. Prima di arrivare alla fine volevo giusto chiederti se MIL fosse per caso Nadia. Il cambio io l'ho fatto oggi ( tranne i vestiti, quindi scarpe e magliette. Mancano all'appello vestiti e i sotto.... magari domani). Non ho trovato nessuno che mi dicesse di buttare qualcosa, di conseguenza ho rimesso "su" e tirato "giu' " roba dell'ultima guerra. Qualcuna non va bene nemmeno come taglia....ma se dimagrissi all'improvviso per un'incontenibile "botta di dieta"? E allora continua l'inesorabile sali e scendi di roba assolutamente inutile, utile solo a rubare spazio e fatica.
    Eppure con gli altri sono bravissima a fare quello che ha fatto Nadia con te!
    Meglio una camomilla.....notte notte e sogni d'oro.

  5. I'm thrilled on all accounts. Except I'm not the guest post, so who could it be? I fit every other part of that description! :-) xx

  6. Yaaaaaaay Ale!

    Hugs, Alcira

