Monday, November 29, 2010

Missing in action

I’ve been MIA the past few days. We had the Girl’s birthday on Tuesday, Thanksgiving on Thursday, the Girl’s birthday party on Saturday, on Sunday the girl decided it was time to start walking,  and today it also snowed and that just sent me over the edge. Oh, and Monday I went to a cake decorating get together, where a chef friend taught us basic decorating techniques. All posts coming soon! Also, the girls is teething. Not just any boring teething, her gums are swollen, she's got the mother of all diaper rashes, her mood is deathly, she's ODing on Motrin, and her mother (me) is doing not a damn think about it, and the stupid teeth just won't cut the gums and get it over with already! All this makes her want to torture us (and by us, I mean me) at night, she's in pain so she damn well better not catch me sleeping! For almost a week now. Basically, lack of sleep has impaired my ability to operate machinery at this point, and that includes the computer.
 So for now pictures:

moi and my chef d'oeuvre. first turkey I've roasted on my own. the tension in my face? due to the 20 pounds between bird and serving dish I'm holding - not constipation.

the artist, formerly known as Husband
now I'm hungry again....
Birthday Girl in her Birthday Girl Dress
She got a birthday cheesecake too. Hers is strawberry, and properly cooked, unlike mine was. Lucky girl!
the spread
(that second cake, it's carrot cake. what? are you kidding?, she couldn't have just one cake on her birthday!)
the whole family gets to blow their germs on the cake!
That's all folks!


  1. How cute-delicious-dreadful-dream-zzzzzz!
    Sounds like it's been a crazy few days.
    Take heart, this too shall pass and that turkey looks amazing -- as do the cakes.
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Tarek's birthday party is this weekend -- at home, with like, 25+kids and no real plan.

  2. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop! You can find me at
    Take a peek at my giveaways when you come by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!!

  3. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop! You can find me at
    Take a peek at my giveaways when you come by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!!
