Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aw shucks!

I have a post all written out and edited and re-edited and mulled over for a few days, and it’s now ready to go up and then Frau Fancy and Nuts about Food go and mention me over on their blogs so now I can’t put up “The World’s Most Depressing Post Ever Written” because that would just scare away any of their readers that might come over to visit. So now what do I do?
Why, I can always dig in my well of inanities to lighten the mood, so here’s a few completely random thoughts for today. The tear-fest is rescheduled for tomorrow.

I’m beginning to think that seasons are completely over-rated. As I’ve mentioned before, I grew up in Texas, specifically Houston where the seasons are “Nice, barbecuing in shorts and flip-flops” – autumn - “OOOh, there’s a chill in the air I think I may need a cotton sweater today” – winter – “Ooooh, how nice it’s getting hot” – spring – “Damn, it’s hot” – day two of spring – “OMG, I think I’m going to die, it’s so fucking hot, get me inside, get me inside, I’m melting” – Summer – “Can’t move, can’t breath, in the 100% humidity and sweltering heat, my eyeballs are burning up” – August. Now I live in Northern Italy where we have the four canonic seasons. We are now at the beginning of spring. At first I was in awe of the budding plants, the pretty flowers, the melting snow and all the green bursting forth in a majestic show of mother nature’s power, now I’m a pathetic mess of sniffle-y nose and watery eyes cause of all the pollen and my kids have had bronchitis for two weeks now cause it’s hot in the sun, but there’s still a chill in the air so how the hell am I supposed to dress them in the morning?? Oh, you thought I was done complaining about the weather once it stopped snowing, did ya?

Somebody needs to explain to me how it is possible that in Italy by April one can no longer find summer clothes for one’s kids. I mean seriously, my kids (as I, assume, everyone else’s kids) are growing at such an insanely fast rate that buying them clothes in March for August seems a little ridiculous. But this is what one has to do in Italy, why, I simply cannot fathom. Plus, wouldn’t they sell more if they simply ordered more pieces per size so that the super organized mom that wants to get all her clothes shopping done in March can buy her clothes then, and the pathologically procrastinating mom, like me, can buy her boy’s new sweatpants when his old sweatpants are somewhere round his knees whatever the season? (not that that ever happened, or anything).

And lastly, ever since the Husband left my children have developed worst sleeping habits than a newborn. Last night I got up a grand total of eight times. Are they trying to kill me? So, I need a solution. I mean, I totally get that they miss daddy, but really, it’s not my fault he’s in the hospital. Frankly I would totally send them to spend the night with him at this point for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, but unfortunately kids in his wing of the hospital are quite frowned upon. I honestly don’t see why, they would totally lighten the mood, they would distract the patients in the adjoining rooms, the husband would pass the time and I’m sure all those night nurses would love to get a break from their nightshift to tend to my two little angels. Maybe I should sneak them in and leave furtively?

That’s all I’ve got for today folks, thanks for stopping by! Oh, and say hi in the comments, if you are so inclined.


  1. Hai una vaga idea di quanto mi costi leggere i tuoi post? Facile per Ale suggerire di leggere i tuoi post.....cicciooo, ma tu te li leggi? Perchè si dice "the husband" invece di "my h.."? Comunque, abbandona ogni sinonimo,ogni parola vagamente specifica, ogni forma di slang o di frase ma poi come faresti?! E io fatico.....cicciaaaa, guarda che sei in Italia e casomai te lo dovessi scordare mi pare che il tempo te lo ricordi molto bene. (Non ho capito bene il problema della roba estiva per i piccoli, non ti basta quello che trovi nei negozi? )
    What about the Zone?
    Baci, e fai la brava.....chiappa i ragazzini, ficcateli nel lettone e dormite tranquilli!

  2. I'm totally on your side about pulling useful (and time-appropriate) clothes out of the shops simply in the name of fashion seasons! I thought London was bad, but I suppose Italy's not the fash cap for nothing.

    As for the post you had in mind before you landed in the spotlight, I don't want to say 'I look forward to reading it' because that sounds odd, but I appreciate heart-felt writing. There's so much pressure out there for everything to be happy clappy all the time. But sometimes ugly truths can be beautiful.

    Saying hello via I'm So Fancy...


  3. @Michi Direi che forse la dieta ti rende un po "confrontational"... posso suggerirti garzanti linguistica un ottimo sito con un dizionario IT-EN eccezionale! In realta' faccio un servizio pubblico costringendoti a migliorare il tuo inglese, ti ricordo che hai un figlio AMERICANO!
    Il problema della roba estiva è che gia ora non si trovano le taglie dei vestiti estivi dei bimbi, siamo ad Aprile, ti pare normale?? No, perche vabbene fare le cose con anticipo ma mi sembra un po da fuori di testa.
    La zona prosegue con qualche micro strappo, ma posso ritenermi soddisfatta.
    I piccoli nel lettone fanno un tale casino che non dormirebbero neanche i vicini di casa, preferisco fare avanti indietro alla peggio andro di sonnifero (per me). BACI

  4. @Cinnamon and Truffle Thanks for stopping by! Italy is the fashion for totally insane control freaks that buy their clothes six months in advance capital!

  5. Hi, I'm a new reader, directed here by Fancy's Introducing post. Such a shame that your wee ones are missing their Daddy, my thought are with you and your family. x

  6. I moved from Colorado to Austin this year, and I'm so shocked to see how warm it is already! I miss my Colorado Spring (Very akin to how things are in Italy!) Thank you so much for sharing and for your kind and gracious comment on my blog. It really touched me. I am praying for your husband and your sweet family. I hope you have a joy filled weekend!

  7. Ok everybody, it is partly my fault that the heartfelt post was shoved up to tomorrow...but hey, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do! I hate that about Italy, it is good to find out I am not the only one shopping for summer clothes in...why yes, the summer. Last year I was looking for a bathing suit for my daughter in June (not August) and it took me days to find a decent one her size. This time I bought one in March and still feel silly about it.

  8. Greetings! Great to find your lovely blog via Fancy's intro, now following (and sending you warm wishes regarding Daddy, sleep, seasons and life generally).

  9. @Claire Thanks Claire, and thanks for stopping by!

  10. @Monet Thanks Monet, have a wonderful weekend yourself!

  11. @Mañana Mama Thanks for visiting and following! I'll pop over to yours asap!

  12. @Moomser
    Per la cronaca: e' vero che ho un figlio statunitensecdi nascita, ma sudamericano d'adozione, quindi attualmente dovrei esercitarmi nello spagnolo, che il pupone comincia a parlare meglio della sua lingua di nascita: "l'italiano"!
    Ma comunque ti ringrazio per il servizio reso: ottimo esercizio di lingua!

  13. @Moomser
    Per la cronaca: e' vero che ho un figlio statunitensecdi nascita, ma sudamericano d'adozione, quindi attualmente dovrei esercitarmi nello spagnolo, che il pupone comincia a parlare meglio della sua lingua di nascita: "l'italiano"!
    Ma comunque ti ringrazio per il servizio reso: ottimo esercizio di lingua!

  14. Greetings! Great to find your lovely blog via Fancy's intro, now following (and sending you warm wishes regarding Daddy, sleep, seasons and life generally).
